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National Parks

Scenic Areas

Photographic Themes

Lumix Years:






The Lumix Years - 2021


Snowy Arizona

It doesn't snow much in Arizona and it's even rarer when the snow lasts until sunset.


Butterfly on Daisies

Fritillary butterflies spend their brief lives flitting from blossom to blossom and frittering away their time.

Moose Cow And Calf

This moose cow has her hackles up to warn the photographer to back off. I did.

Crytpgamic Soil

This odd shape is how life begins on bare sand, a community of algae and bacteria called crytogamic soil.

Chimney Rock

High in the Colorado Rockies, Chimney Rock gets enough snow to support moose and blue penstemons.

Cactus Flowers

Cactus flowers, while showy, are so similar that botanists use the patterns of their spines for identification.


These owlets still have baby feathers in this shot but they had flown away just a week later.


In spring anemones often sprout right through the unmelted snow on the ground.

Frozen Dune

Some of Utah's sandstone began as sand dunes, which are revealed again by the erosion of the wind.

Red Cactus Blossom

This Christmas-colored cactus has flat facets on its petals.


This evening at least the occupants of the nest in the tree have a bird's eye view of the sunset.

Cactus Flowers

2021 included cancer surgery for me so I fell back on beautiful cactus flowers as easy subjects.

Rock And Bristlecone

Boulders and bristlecone pines have a symbiotic relationship, helping each other resist the ceaseless wind.

Prairie Wallflower

This prairie wallflower was clinging to the edge of a cliff in Canyonlands National Park in Utah.

Sunset On Nokhu Crags

Sunset is often a bit bleak over the Nokhu Crags at the north end of Colorado's Never Summer Range.




