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Lumix Years:






The Lumix Years - 2022




Colorado's state flower, the columbine, has a scent that rivals the flower's visual beauty.

Elk Cow And Calf

An elk cow gives her hours-old spotted calf, still unsteady on his legs, a first bath.

Plum Blossoms

Wild plum blossoms, sometimes shrugging away snow, are a certain harbinger of spring.

Preying Mantis, Flag

This is the only preying mantis I've ever seen in Estes Park, Colorado. I was just in time for lunch.

Orange Paintbrushes

Paintbrush "flowers" are mostly brightly colored leaves that hide the actual flowers.

Carved Tree

When you spend as much time in the woods as I do, you find that even the trees begin to have faces.

Mountain Geraniums

Mountain geranium blossoms, which vary from white to lavender, are a common sight even into autumn.

Rocky Mountain Rainbow

On Trail Ridge Road in Colorado, you're enough higher than a rainbow that it curves in at the bottom.

Pink And White Blossoms

Most flowering plants have both stamens, male parts, and stigmas, the female part where the seed forms.


An afternoon storm in the Colorado Rockies clears in time for moonrise.

Mt. Graham

The snow-covered summit of Mount Graham near Safford, Arizona, is hidden in dark storm clouds

Twisted Wood

Photographers are observers, not creators, and I envy the ease with which nature creates beautiful art.

Glacier Lilies

Glacier lilies grow so fast in the spring that they can melt out a space under the snow in which to bloom.


Blue columbines and yellow arnica are common companions to the groves of aspen in the Rockies.

Strange Sky

Most of time I understand what's happening in the sky above me. Not always.