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National Parks Of The American Rockies


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  Devil's Tower







White Rim Road, Cleopatra's Throne

Canyonlands National Park is located at the confluence of the Colorado River and the Green River. The Green can be seen at the bottom of the central canyon. The green color is from the riparian shrubs and cottonwoods. Note the faint trace of the White Rim Road, 200 miles of four-wheel gravel road. At upper right is a formation called Cleopatra's Chair.


A stunted juniper clings to the edge of the canyon, whittled down by wind and drought. Long vistas reveal tall cliffs across the canyon.


Cliff Spires


In nearby canyons, spires several hundred feet tall stand like silent sentinals, watching over the fall-tinted cottonwoods below.


Cactus In Sandstone

Barrel cactuses emerge from a seam in the sandstone, looking like curious hedgehogs.

Bison And Hunter


Native Americans have lived in the Canyonlands region since the last Ice Age. Here, a horse-mounted hunter uses a bow and arrow to shoot a large bison. This artwork must have been created after the arrival of Europeans, who first returned horses to the continent of their origin.


Gooseberry Canyon Overlook

The Gooseberry Canyon Overlook is one of the most comprehensive views of the Colorado River side of Canyonlands. This portion of the extensive canyon system is deeper than the Green River side, so glimpses of the mighty Colorado River are rare. The faint line is the White Rim Road.




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